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2016 webinar series

Page history last edited by Helen Brownlie 7 years, 4 months ago

Lunch time Webinar Series

In 2016 the LIANZA Digital Library Special Interest Group (DigLibSig) held a series of webinars on topics of interest to the library and information sectors as a whole. The format of each webinar was 2-3 presentations followed by the opportunity for viewers to ask questions and to share their own experiences (both good and bad).


1.    Exposing content using social media

When: Friday 23 September 12 noon - 1:00pm

Chair: Paul Sutherland


Crossing the Channel / Donna Robertson (Christchurch City Libraries)

Social Media @ The Hocken Collections  / Anna Blackman (University of Otago)

Be a better publisher / Reuben Schrader (National Library)


Recording of webinar (mp4 file 214 MB)



2.    Ask the expert: Google Analytics - measuring usage and impact

When: Friday 7 October 12 noon - 1:00pm

Chair: Helen Brownlie


Merrin Brewster (University of Otago)

Michael Lascarides (National Library)


Recording of webinar (mp4 file 221 MB)



3.    Gateways, portals and local interfaces

When: Friday 21 October 12 noon - 1:00pm

Chair: John Laurie


Brian Flaherty (University of Auckland)

Paul Sutherland (Christchurch City Libraries)


Recording of webinar (mp4 file 233MB)


4.   The marketing and promotion of e-resources to users

When: Friday 4 November 12 noon - 1:00pm

Chair: Helen Brownlie


Using data to meet people where they are  / Helen Brownlie (University of Otago)

Casting a wide net, promoting e-resources to the community / Fiona Mcgregor (Wellington City Libraries)

Covers and records for PressReader and some related issues / Paul Sutherland (Christchurch City Libraries)


Recording of the webinar (mp4 file 234 MB)


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