ITSIG activities at the 2003 LIANZA conference include:
- The library anglers’ El Dorado
- Digital Resources Management Systems — a couple of “old salts” swap recent fishing stories. Paul Sutherland & Brian Flaherty, Wednesday, 8 October 2003, 2:30–3:30 pm
Integrated Library Management Systems (ILMS) have been around for the last 20 odd years and are a fairly safe bet — some may have more sinkers and hooks, but all will provide a known level of functionality. What about the developing area of Digital Resources Management Systems? We are not even clear what to name them in the library context — Subject Portals / Content Management Systems / Search Portals / Vortals — let alone how to differentiate among the services they provide. So where do you start fishing? Should you trust your ILMS vendor? Go Open Source? Or a non-Library commercial product? Should you go out to tender? Or plug into your organisational portal? How is a portal different from a CMS? And what about functionality — what is available / what is still wishware?
ITSIG Workshop
Bits and pieces: tips, tools and techniques for IT specialists, Friday, 10 October 2003, 1:30–3:40 pm
This interactive workshop, arranged by the ITSIG Committee, will feature a series of short presentations featuring practical advice for IT specialists and systems librarians, with special emphasis on low cost, free, or open source tools. Workshop participants will be encouraged to contribute their own suggestions, comments, and questions to make this an interactive dialogue between the audience and presenters. The ITSIG Committee will also launch the ITSIG wikiwikiweb, a collaborative web application that lets ITSIG members contribute to a set of web pages to provide a space for an ongoing and developing resource.
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