AGM Minutes 2009

13th October 2009



Present: Paul Sutherland (chair), Peter Kennedy     (minutes), 8 other IT-Sig members and 4 observers.



1. Apologies


John Laurie, Bob Pearson, Helen Brownlie    .



2. Treasurer’s report



Paul Sutherland presented the Treasurer’s report of the accounts for the year ending June 30th 2009 on behalf of Bob Pearson. The Treasurer’s report was received (Paul Sutherland moved, Sam Minchin seconded) and approved by the meeting. Prior to the meeting, a copy had been published on the IT-SIG Wiki.



3. Convenor’s report



Paul Sutherland presented the Convenor’s report on behalf of John Laurie. The Convenor’s report was received (Paul Sutherland moved, Peter Kennedy     seconded) and accepted by the meeting. Prior to the meeting, a copy had been published on the IT-SIG Wiki.



4. 2009/10 committee



Nominations were called for, following which it was moved from the Chair, and approved by the meeting, that the following be appointed to the committee:



Auckland: John Laurie, Bob Pearson – both University of Auckland
Christchurch: Paul Sutherland (Christchurch City Libraries), Peter Kennedy     (University of Canterbury)
Dunedin: Helen Brownlie     (University of Otago)
Hastings: Kim Salamonson     (Hastings District Library at Havelock North)


John Laurie continues as convenor. Bob Pearson continues as treasurer.


It was noted with pleasure that others in attendance expressed an interest in being involved in the future; in some cases pending joining IT-SIG.



5. Conference Workshop



This was well attended. There were three brief sessions - Paul Hayton, on Web 2.0 at Dunedin Public Library - Paul Sutherland, Life in Flickr at Christchurch City Libraries: - Peter Kennedy    , staff intranet to a wiki at University of Canterbury.



Each generated discussion and questions and there was no opportunity to move onto additional issues.



For Conference 2010 it was recommended that the Committee work with the organizers at an early stage to obtain a longer time-slot. The conference is at Dunedin and Paul Hayton indicated he would be prepared to assist with an IT-SIG session.



6. Other business



Noted that LIANZA is looking at SIGs in general and that there may be changes pending, in how these are managed. An area to watch, although no details are yet available.



Discussion of the IT-SIG membership fee and the GST content. Agreed that it is collected on behalf of IT-SIG, by LIANZA, and that GST is correctly deducted.



Discussion of the purpose of IT-SIG and its activities which, in the last two years, have revolved around a conference workshop. Suggested that IT-SIG needs to re-evaluate its purpose, but there was general agreement that it should continue.



Some ideas of areas where IT-SIG could be active include: database and other technical issues with the introduction of RDA (working in conjunction with CAT-SIG) road-shows, perhaps working with regional groups and SIGS to present topical material do we have things we could offer in the area of professional development, given its importance in the modern LIANZA world kick-off more discussions on IT-SIG. Even small items of interest can generate discussion and keep the list alive involvement in NDF work - with the NDF conference perhaps not so often involving those below management level



Recommended that the committee look at sponsoring one or two members to the NDF this year. A possible suggestion would be to cover the registration fee ($375.00) and perhaps a like amount for general costs (i.e. contribution to transport, etc.). VALA 2010 was also mentioned as a possibility.



As a recent member, Kim Salamonson    , indicated that it would be valuable for new members to receive a welcoming message from the IT-SIG committee. At present there is no acknowledgment of membership. Such a welcome would include an invitation to join the IT-SIG list, encouragement to use the WIKI, and to take part. Recommended that LIANZA be approached to see if they would advise of new members when they join - noted from the floor that some other SIGS have such an arrangement.



Discussion showed there is enthusiasm for IT-SIG, but for it to be vibrant members must be involved from the start.