
About Digital Library SIG

Page history last edited by Bob Pearson 11 years, 9 months ago

Digital Library SIG is a special interest group of LIANZA that was formerly named the IT SIG. Its purpose is to provide a forum for discussion, information and education on digital library developments and information technology in libraries.


Members work across all library and information sectors in areas such as library websites, library catalogues and management systems, digital asset management systems and institutional repositories, video, image and text digitisation projects. Digital Library SIG areas of expertise are proliferating as more and more library functions are transferred to the Internet.


Digital Library SIG has around 140 members. Membership costs $11.50 per annum for LIANZA members and this fee is usually paid to LIANZA with LIANZA membership fees. The membership fee for non-members of LIANZA is $34.50.


Digital Library SIG generally meets at the LIANZA conference each year to discuss topical issues and enable members and potential members to network. There are usually two or three brief presentations and general discussion on topics of current interest, which can be quite frank at times, with regard to software experiences. Topics in the past have included website redevelopment, text digitisation, library guides software, changing discovery experiences, Facebook and Twitter, and e-books.


Digital Library SIG ran a one-day bar camp/unconference after the 2010 LIANZA conference in Dunedin. It ran a second unconference in 2012 after the LIANZA conference. Topics at bar camps are suggested by participants on the day. In 2010 they included e-book standards and patron-driven acquisition models, discovery layers, metadata normalisation and digitisation standards.


Digital Library SIG has also run two series of webinars focusing on more specific areas of interest. Webinar software allows presenters to share their desktops and discuss their work practices and problems in a very informal manner. Sessions are saved and put online for continuing access. Topics included digitisation, EZproxy administration, new software and web interfaces for local indexes, online delivery of video and audio resources, and automating text editing with Google Refine and Regular Expressions.


Digital Library SIG members are registered for the DigLibSIG email discussion list.


Digital Library SIG elects a committee to manage its affairs. See Digital Library SIG Committee Members.

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