
DIGLIBSIG Mailing List (redirected from IT-SIG Mailing List)

Page history last edited by Bob Pearson 11 years, 8 months ago

DigLibSIG electronic discussion list (formerly ITSIG discussion list)


Digital Library SIG has an electronic discussion group, called DigLibSIG, which is hosted by Victoria University of Wellington.


You can subscribe to the list or find more information at http://lists.vuw.ac.nz/mailman/listinfo/diglibsig


Past messages to the list are included in the Knowledge Basket’s searchable archive of New Zealand LIS email discussion groups.


New members' email addresses are added to the list each year.


Existing subscriptions to ITSIG were carried over to the new DigLibSIG list, so if you were subscribed to ITSIG, you don't need to do anything to continue participating in DigLibSIG. Just address postings to diglibsig@lists.vuw.ac.nz


The archives of ITSIG have also been carried over to the new DigLibSIG list, so you can refer to previous postings if necessary.


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